We provide crèches in Glasgow offering fun, play opportunities within a caring, supportive and nurturing environment for children while their parents/carers are attending various groups. Children can attend from 0-16 years.

Our Respite and Eligible 2's services provides childcare provision for vulnerable families. (0–3 years). This service can be accessed via self referral or organisation. We provide a safe, warm, welcoming environment where we promote positive improvements to children's mental, physical, emotional and social wellbeing. We help build relationships with children and parents and promote healthy, sustainable patterns of support in the lives of vulnerable families.

Primary 1 – 7. Open 50 weeks of the year. Term time: 3pm – 6pm. Holiday and in-service day cover: 8am – 6pm. Operating term time from St Charles Primary and North Kelvinside Primary with pick up from Dunard Primary School.
Holiday club operational from North Kelvinside Primary School, 200 Queen Margaret Drive.
To enquire call
Dunard/North Kelvinside ASC 07597 698 779
St Charles ASC
07864 543 883
Main Office:- 0141-945 1888

Children aged 2yrs to Primary age. Open Monday - Friday 8.00am - 6.00 pm. Operational from Cadder Primary School. Waterproof clothing and backpack provided. Glasgow City Council 1140 hours/Eligible 2 Partnership funded placed available.
Email: treetopoutdoornursery@outlook.com
Mobile Number: 07732 715 646
Office: 0141-945 1888

Children 2.5 - 5 years. Open Monday -Thursday 8 am – 6 pm. Indoor drop-off and pick-up base at 35 Avenuepark Street G20 8TS. Minibus transports children to and from Dawsholm Park G61 1QG. Waterproof clothing and backpack provided. Glasgow City Council 1140 hours/Eligible 2 Partnership funded places available.
Email: evergreenon@outlook.com
Mobile Number: 07565 869 427
Office: 0141-945 1888